Saturday, March 15, 2014

Irv turns 70

Last weekend Irv turned 70 - a milestone indeed.  We decided to go to the hippie house and celebrate with folks older than Irv ( I admit that I wanted to have a blow out rock and roll dance party in Lambertville but Irv said 'no' but perhaps a bowling party in the future?).  At any rate, it being Lent that means Friday Fish Frys!  I called my Dad about going to the Stonington Holy Ghost Society Fish Fry ( I really just like the name) but he said that the food was much better at the St. Edmunds Retreat fish fry in Mystic.  Sold.  I have lived on and off in the Mystic area and have never been to Enders Island which is right on Long Island Sound.  I have seen it by sea but not by land, and I wanted to visit because the chapel was build by Harald Hefel ( who was the previous owner of our house). It was a somewhat cloudy evening but here is the chapel that Harald  built.  Really beautiful.  

Here is the link to the retreat (better pictures).

The food was fantastic.  Average age at the dinner was perhaps 65.  My Dad brought our long time neighbor Ruthie who bless her is 90 and still living by herself.  I realized that next to my father Ruthie has known me the longest - probably over 50 years.  I remember Ruthie as one of the ladies who sat on the beach the whole summer talking and watching the kids.  Lovely Lady.  


  1. The Retreat also runs what they call an 'Institute of Sacred Arts', including workshops in stained glass. The 3 people associated with the program at Ender's Island are all people I know as part of the American Glass Guild.

  2. Happy Birthday to Irv and it sounds like you are having yourselves some fun up there. Old houses are hard on the joints!
